Thursday, July 21, 2011

Global Warming - itu barang apa e?

Tuntunan singkat mengenal Perubahan Iklim:

- Pemanasan Global itu barang apa k? pemanasan global itu adalah kenaikan suhu permukaan bumi secara rata-rata (dari ujung pukul ujung) yang diakibatkan oleh peningkatan secara alami dari efek rumah kaca. (efek rumak kaca nan sa jelaskan abis ini e…)

- Kenapa semua orang basibuk dengan Pemanasan Global e? karna barang ini bikin ktong pu iklim di bumi berubah secara perlahan-lahan... (pasti kam ingat to dulu tuh bulan maret ke bawah tuh (april – sept) hujan2 su berkurang, tp skarang ktong bisa dapat hujan dr januari sampe desember dengan curahan yg sama, make sense to?) dampaknya nanti tuh ke ktong pu tanaman2, kebun2 yg ujungnya ke ktong pu mama2 pu jualan di pasar karena waktu panen juga akan jd kacau. Ahli2 dong bilang itu karena kegiatan industri yg semakin berkembang pesat…

- Trus, efek rumah kaca tadi tuh apa e? oh iyo, efek rumah kaca itu… perpindahan ikan kapala batu dr kolam yg satu ke kolam yg lain tanpa proses meti kring… hahahaeee… nes nho… yg jelas kam tau to klo rumah kaca tuh de pu nama lain pesemaian (tp yg tutup mati tuh)… nah waktu kam masuk ke pesemaian yg tutup mati (dengan plastik atw senk bening) apa yg kam rasa? lebih panas to? suhu lbh tinggi dr waktu ktong di luar to? kenapa e? karena, senk/plastik bening itu menjebak panas matahari di dalam pesemaian; jadi panas bisa masuk tapi tra bisa keluar (sebenarnya panas yg masuk dgn yg keluar/di-intersep tra sama besar)… nah, hal yg sama yg sedang terjadi dengan ktong pu bumi sekarang, kadar dr gas2 yg pu sifat menjebak panas (gas2 rumah kaca) itu di ktong p atmosfer semakin tinggi jd panas matahari yg dipancarkan ke bumi lebih banyak drpd yg dipantulkan kembali ke luar angkasa… hasilnya ktong p bumi nih jd lebih panas (hangat)…

- Tadi katanya, yg bikin efek rumah kaca terjadi tuh adalah gas-gas rumah kaca… itu gas-gas apa saja k? gas-gas utama adalah uap air, CO2, metan, NO, ozon dan halocarbon… kebanyakan dihasilkan dr aktifitas manusia terutama pembakan fossil fuel dr kendaraan bermotor… (boh, klo bgitu ktong jalan kaki sj sdh k? hehehe…)

- Trus yg kena dampaknya tuh apa2 saja e…??? yg paling top yg orang skarang perdebatkan tuh kenaikan permukaan air laut k ini… rata2 tuh 6 mm per tahun jd bisa sj ktong kehilangan banyak pulau2 kecil nanti tp itu paling cepat diperkirakan tahun2 2050-an nanti… itu juga utk pulau2 kecil yg ktong biasa bilang lapangan timbul-tenggelam k itu… trus yg jelas dan pasti juga ktong pu keadaan cuaca berubah to, yg sekarang kam su bisa liat – musim hujan deng musim panas macam su trada k? ktong (apalagi manokwari) bs kopeng hujan dr januari sampe desember…- nah hujan yg tra jelas stop kapan itu, mengakibatkan ktong pu tanaman2 bisa rusak (terutama busuk akar) atau umbi2an macam keladi, kasbi, betatas itu su jelas rusak atau tra masak2 jg (tra bs panen)… itu berarti mace2 dong pu jualan di pasar su berkurang (iyo k tra…? tp klo yg tanam kangkung aman2 sj to? hehehe…); selain itu juga perubahan iklim berdampak pada distribusi hewan terutama burung2 (yo dorang kan mobilitasnya paling tinggi to)… tp menurut sy, justru ktong yg di area equatorial ini yg bakal kedatangan banyak spesies burung baru dr tempat lain…

- Yg ktong bisa bikin tuh apa sj e? sederhana sj… ktong bs mulai dr rumah… misalnya

o kasih mati lampu, tv, computer, ac, dan alat2 listrik lainnya yg sedang tdk dipakai…

o kasih mati kran air waktu tra lagi atau su selesai tadah air…

o kasih mati mesin motor/mobil waktu parkir atau waktu tra jalan…

o tanam2 tanaman berkayu (buah2an juga bisa) di halaman rumah – karena tanaman2 ini menyerap karbondiksida dan menghasilkan oksigen dari proses metabolisme alaminya…

o pisahkan sampah sesuai kategori sampah kering untuk dibakar, sisa makanan dan sisa babat rumput untuk kompos, kaleng + botol + plastik untuk daur ulang (bisa jual ke juragan2 botol dorang to? Hehehe...)

ini saja yang sa bisa share untuk famili dorang, kalo ada yang mau tambah silakan... kalo mau perbaiki juga silakan...

*)source: dari berbagai sumber

Kebagusan – July 20, 2011

Jabat erat selalu,

Famili Rambut Besar

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Oceans Could Rise 5 Feet by 2100

  • A warmer Arctic will mean rising sea levels of between 3.0 to 5.3 feet by 2100.
  • Even the low end of this range would have devastating consequences for coastal cities and densely-populated, low-lying deltas.
  • Higher seas would literally cover some small island nations, ruin vast expanses of land and boost the intensity of deadly storms.

Warming in the Arctic occurring at twice the global average is on track to lift sea levels by up to 5.3 feet (1.6 meters) by 2100, a far steeper jump than predicted a few years ago, a consortium of scientists reported Tuesday.

Melting ice and snow has accounted for 40 percent of recent increases in ocean levels and are likely to play an even larger role in future, according to the Oslo-based Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Project (AMAP).

"Global sea level is projected to rise 3.0 to 5.3 feet (0.9 to 1.6 meters ) by 2100, and the loss from Arctic glaciers, ice caps and the Greenland Ice Sheet will make a substantial contribution to this," AMAP said in a report.

Even the low end of this range would have devastating consequences for coastal cities and densely-populated, low-lying deltas in Bangladesh, Vietnam, China and many other countries, scientists have warned.

Higher seas would literally cover some small island nations, ruin vast expanses of land used to grow food, and boost the intensity of deadly hurricanes and other extreme weather events.

In early 2007, the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said the world's oceans would creep up 18 to 59 centimeters (7 to 23 inches) by century's end.

But the panel's landmark report did not include the potential impact of melting ice, especially from the massive Greenland Ice Sheet, which alone holds enough frozen water to push up sea levels by at least five metres (16 feet).

The new study shows that the past six years have been the warmest period ever recorded for the Arctic, and that summer temperatures were higher in the past few decades than at any time in the last 2,000 years.

"The changes that are emerging in the Arctic are very strong, dramatic even," said Mark Serreze, director of the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, and a contributor to the report.

"But this is not entirely a surprise. We have known for decades that, as climate change takes hold, it is the Arctic where you are going to see it first, and where it is going to be pronounced," he said by phone.

The report forecasts that the Arctic Ocean, within three or four decades, will likely become nearly ice free during the summer months.

Three of the last four years have seen polar sea ice shrinking to its smallest area since satellite images became available, with a record low in 2007 of 4.13 million square kilometres (1.56 million square miles).

The report also highlights new evidence that changes in Arctic snow and ice conditions may actually be accelerating the warming process.

"The fact that highly reflective snow and ice surfaces are diminishing means that darker land or ocean surfaces are absorbing more of the sun's energy, warming the Earth's surface and the air above," the researchers said.

Rather than being bounced back into space by white surfaces, in other words, the sun's heat is trapped inside the atmosphere.

The study identified eight of these so-called natural "feedback mechanisms" that have become both symptom and cause of climate change.

Rising average temperatures, for example, threaten to unlock long-frozen stores of carbon dioxide and methane -- at least 20 times as potent a greenhouse gas as CO2 -- from the region's permafrost.

"The amount of carbon that is locked up in permafrost is equivalent to what is in the atmosphere today," said Serreze. "The question is how much of it is going be released."

Drawing from the research of several hundred climate scientists and glaciologists, the report comes ahead of a May 12 meeting in Greenland of foreign ministers from Arctic Council nations: Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States.

Founded in 1991, AMAP is now a working group of the Council.

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